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Kui mitte arvestada palju hilisemat ja hoopis teistel asjaoludel sündinud “Crimson II”-albumit, kujunes 1997. aastal ilmunud “Infernal” Dan Swanö luigelauluks Edge Of Sanity ridades.
Selle “Infernal” 2CD teine plaadiketas sisaldab avaldamata 1996 demo, remasterdatud lisaloo “Moonshine” ja üheksa EDGE OF SANITY kontsersalvestust aastast 1991.
1997/2025 Melodic Death Metal Rootsi Inside Out
1. Hell is Where the Heart is
2. Helter Skelter
3. 15:36
4. The Bleakness of It All
5. Damned (By the Damned)
6. Forever Together Forever
7. Losing Myself
8. Hollow
9. Inferno
10. Burn the Sun
11. The Last Song
1. Hell is Where the Heart is
2. 15:36
3. Losing Myself
4. Forever Together Forever
5. Moonshine
6. Human Aberration
7. Tales…
8. Angel of Distress
9. The Dead
10. Everlasting
11. Impulsive Necroplasma
12. A Curfew For the Damned
13. Decepted By the Cross
14. Immortal Souls
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